Sunday, February 1, 2009

My life as of now...

I am going to school at MTSU pursuing a physical education/teacher education degree. This is my last semester and will be student teaching in the fall (hopefully). This past year has been rough with my health. February of 2008 I got a real bad sinus infection and was put in the hospital for a week. My doctor wanted me to drop out of school for the semester but I said no way, I was too close. All of my teacher worked with me except one and I had to take an incomplete in that class. I had 2 more classes I needed to take so I planned to take them over the summer and would just have that fall semester left and would be student teaching the following spring. back started hurting pretty bad and the end of February/beginning of March so I decided to go back to the doctor and get a new MRI done. That doctor sent me to a neurosurgeon in Nashville and long story short and had major back surgery May 18. I have 3 herniated discs, 2 with degenerative disc disease so they fixed the one that was the worst. The removed half of my disc, half of my bone, put in a plate and screws, and put in a bone graft. I had to wear a brace for 3 months and I am still recovering. Due to waiting for the bone graft to fuse I have to wait an entire year to do any kind of physical activity so I am limited to just walking, which is so boring. Right now I can't tell a difference from the surgery but it has only been 8 months so hopefully soon it will get better. I am currently the Aquatics Director for the city pool so that keeps me busy in the summer and pays extremely well. Jeremy has been in his house 2 years today. I didn't think we were ever going to get that house finished. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done and that we've ever been through. They say that if a couple can get through building a house together then they can get through about almost anything and I believe that. We've got Jack and Jill, the 2 weimaraners and Max the cat so those 3 keep us on our toes. They're just like little kids. Right now Jeremy is working on cars and trucks at his house and staying busy with that. Soon he will be doing landscaping, putting irrigation systems in and cutting grass come spring time and that definitely keeps him busy. I hardly get to see him. My brother is in his second year at Columbia State playing baseball so he is waiting to see where he is going to sign next year. He has some good offers but has not made a decision yet. Mom and Dad are pretty much the same, going to work and will be going to ballgames now that the season is fixing to start. That's about all that is going on in my life. Will update you when something exciting is going on.

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